Terms and Conditions for Children’s Swimming Lessons
- Terms and Conditions
- Terms and Conditions for Children’s Swimming Lessons
The following provides details of what you can expect from WV Active’s Swim School and includes Terms and Conditions which apply to all parents or guardians of any child attending swimming lessons.
- WV Active offer swimming lessons in blocks of 10.
- All lessons must be paid for in advance.
- Each lesson from Ducks - Stage 7 will be 25 minutes.
- Rookie Lifeguard will be a 40-minute lesson.
- WV Active do not tolerate abusive or aggressive behaviour towards any staff members or other customers. Management will refuse entry and ask anyone displaying this behaviour to leave the premises.
- If you are more than 10 minutes late after the lesson start time, you may be refused entry. This is to ensure that lessons are not disrupted. You will not be refunded for this lesson.
Payment for lessons
- The payment for the first block of 10 lessons must be made in advance.
- To secure a place in the next block of lessons, it is recommended that the payment is made by the end of the 9th lesson.
- Parents/Guardians are responsible for making all payments on time.
- If the payment is not received before the start of the 10th lesson, the automated system will remove the child from their class. There is no guarantee that a place will still be available after this point and a request will need to be made to have the child added to the waiting list.
- Payment reminder emails are sent to the email address recorded on the WV Active’s system and these are sent at 3 weeks, 2 weeks and 1 week prior to the commencement date of the 10th lesson.
- If payment is not received in line with the points above - WV Active will refuse entry to the lesson.
- If a child moves from a stage 1-7 lesson to the Rookie lifeguard programme, there will be an increase in payment required.
Cancellation and Refunds
- No refunds will be given if a learner does not attend their lesson.
- If a learner leaves prior to the end of their 10-week block, no refunds will be given for the remaining lessons.
- If WV Active cancels a lesson for unforeseen circumstances, there will be no charge for that lesson.
- Parents/Guardians will be notified via email informing them of any cancellations. If a lesson is cancelled with less than 4 hours’ notice, WV Active will attempt to contact guardians by telephone.
- To obtain a refund on medical grounds, you will need to notify WV Active that the child will be unable to attend swimming lessons and obtain a GP letter that states the condition and a date that swimming can be resumed.
- WV Active will allow refunds if a child has completed all the stages 1-7. This can be refunded via the original payment method.
Completing Stages or Moving Lessons
- Once a stage has been completed, WV Active will advise you of the available days and times for the next stage. If there is no availability, the lessons will be frozen, and the child added to the waiting list until a space becomes available.
- If WV Active offer more than one alternative class for the learner to move in to, but the child is unable to attend any of them, then the child will be added to the wating list until a suitable day/time is available. No refunds will be given.
- You can request to move your child to a different day or time and WV Active will check availability, however there is no guarantee that this will be possible.
- You can only request to change the day/time of the lesson once during each 10-week block of lessons.
- WV Active provide armbands and swimming aids required for the lesson.
- All users of the swimming pool are asked to make themselves familiar with Safe Swim Policy which includes permitted types of swimwear and can be found on the WV Active webpage.
- It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to inform WV Active of changes to contact details and to check their emails regularly for service changes and cancellations.
- It is the parent/guardians’ responsibility to ensure WV Active has the most current and up to date contact information for their child. This includes contact numbers, home address and email address.
- When a child has completed a stage, they will be given a badge slip by the Swimming Instructor. This can then be presented to reception as proof and then the guardian can discuss days/times for the next stage.
- WV Active does not accept responsibility for any damage or loss of property left on the premises (whether being worn or left in the pool/changing rooms) or within the grounds/car park of the premises.
- WV Active will not contact parents/guardians if there is a change of swimming instructor due to sickness or annual leave.
- Parents/guardians are not permitted to use their mobile phones within the changing rooms or pool hall areas.
- Children 8 years or over must use their own gender changing rooms. Changing village and family changing rooms are also available.
- It is vital that guardians advise the swimming instructors and management of the child’s medical conditions so these can be recorded on WV Active systems - It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to ensure that WV Active are kept updated on any changes.
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